This post may be pretty random, but it’s almost 2014 and I haven’t actually had the best 2013. I try not to let the negative things that happen in a year bother me so much, but to put the story into a short version, my grandma was diagnosed with Gillian Barre, it’s this pretty rare syndrome thing that paralyzes the body. She has been in a nursing home going on a year this May. This really affected me. I never really told anyone this but with her this way, I realized how quickly things can change. One moment you can be on top of the world and the next it could be gone, just like that. This is why I want to make a change.

Next year, will be a time for change and improvement. First of all, I WILL BE A BETTER PERSON! I will become someone that not only inspires others, but a person who will inspire myself. I will commit myself to constant improvement. I want to embody the nickname my sister Skippy gave me “Mini Flanery”. 

Up until this year, I never really believed in myself and never thought that I could SHINE, I always used to hide inside, never really letting myself be the real me. With the help of most of the people I call mi famila, I have discovered that I could SHINE. Who ever thought that you could make friends that you would consider family over social media? I owe everything to my twitter sisters Skippy,May, and Becca, they really brought me out of my shell and become the real me. There are a few others that have helped me on this journey as well, I’d like to thank Sean Patrick Flanery for showing me that in order to live life, all you have to do is to “Shine…Until Tomorrow” and you will be blessed with all the good things in life, and Sunny because she is one shining human being and her group Shining With Sean Patrick Flanery, has created this safe haven where people are there to support and love each other. Last but not least, I want to thank Jennifer for being a great friend and someone else I can talk to whenever things are so great or if I just wanna talk. 

I have shared things that I have kept to myself for a long time, but now I feel it’s time to talk about a few good things that have happened this year: 

1. Met Sean Patrick Flanery…Twice. Without knowing it, he has really inspired me and made a significant impact in my life. He is truly a wonderful man, and I wish to be as good a person as he is.

2. I have some pretty great friends I consider to be family (everyone in the Shining with SPF group and my friends on twitter).

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Y’all have really changed me and I hope one day to inspire others as you guys have inspired me. Peace, Love, God Bless, God Speed, and Shine…Until Tomorrow.


“There are only two things in LIFE: Reasons and Results. Resons don’t matter.”

Results are everything. Results are the product of everything you will ever do in life. While, a reason is only a word that starts with an ‘R’ and basically means a type of excuse. Not all the time but most of the time when you give a “reason” it’s an excuse.

The phrase “everything happens for a reason,” is false! Everything may seem like it may happen for a reson but truthfully almost everything happens is a result of something you have done. For example, many people now-a-days suffer from “BDM” or Bad Decision Making, that is a result of being aware of what you are doing but feel nothing is going to happen, thruth is BDM is all your fault and people give “reasons” to make up for this.

Results ultimately come from reasons, because whatever the reason you have to expect a result, good or bad. Isacc Newton said “for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction,” this is true not only in Physics but in life, the reason is the action and the results are the reactions. Don’t give reasons, make results happen! All results come from reasons and the results are something only you can make for yourself.

Don’t give reasons, make results happen….and “SHINE…UNTIL TOMORROW”- Sean Patrick Flanery   

First off, I wouldn’t have been inspired to do this blog without thehelp and encouragement of one of my best friends (she knows who she is).

This blog comes from a journal topic I was asked to do in my English class. So, here it goes:

“Live today as though it will be how everyone will remember you.” What does this mean? Actor Sean Patrick Flanery and The Beatles told me to “shine…until tomorrow,” this is what living today as if this is how people will remember you, always shining and not just for today but for tomorrow and the days after it. I agree with both of these quotes because they tell you things you know to be true, you just have to realize it for yourself.

Personally, I want to be remembered as Mirandaand no one else. I don’t want to be that person you have seen in that one place with a face. I want people to know who I am, the real me, Miranda. That’s how I want to be remembered. But, how do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be that lazy person who is always making excuses, that person who never has truly lived their life to the fullest, or that person who has everything and nothing at the same time?  Do you want to be remembered as you (insert your name here)?! Testify to yourself and the world around you, who you are and how you want to be remembered as! Go look at yourself in a mirror and say “I’m (insert your name here), today is a new day and I want to be remembered as the real me, and this is how people will remember me!”

People remember people who have lived their life as themselves. For example, John Lennon and Elvis, they did what they loved and lived for and didn’t let anyone  tell them otherwise. That’s who they are and this is how you could be remembered. You just need to have the want to be remembered a YOU, if you live today as though it’s how people will remember you, you will realize that you are you for a reason and no one can tell you otherwise.

Just remember you are who you are, never let anybody tell you “you aren’t going to be anything,” live for today and that’s how you will be remembered, with that “Shine…Until Tomorrow.”